Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Hollywood had been the largest machine of dream making and storytelling in the human history. Unlike most countries in the world America's image is based not only on who they are and what they do , but on who they are and what they do, but on how Americans present themselves to the world through their global window. The most attractive and glamorous production of this machine has been the image of America ad the promise land of infinite possibility and opportunity where individual liberty is in hand and the society is always on the move. In its 100 years it has opened a new window toward the world in which America has been seen through it and Americans has seen the world through it as well. Some believe it has been truly and largely successful in telling and selling the Americans stories in past 100 years. The dream of America - individual mobility, the rule of law- which were made the dreams of the world,too, were pictured by Hollywood. Other that that it has been used as a tool by the American government fighting against “freedom" enemies,facism, communism. It is not only the America's secret weapon but also the biggest soft power tool which is playing a positive role all the time.

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